
Marcella N. Underwood 

I was born in 1937 in a log cabin built by my father in the hills in Connecticut.  The cabin had no indoor plumbing and no electricity.  We did our homework from the soft glow of kerosene lanterns, and sewed our clothes on a pedal sewing machine.  Country stores were miles away so we learned to make do by developing our own creativity which was necessary but also sometimes fun.  

Our big black stove was used for cooking, baking, and keeping the cabin warm in the cold winter months.  I still remember the large oven door opened and sitting by it to keep cozy.  We drank water from a well and bathed in a brook, and also washed our clothes in the brook on a wooden scrubbing board.

Animals were always around and a huge part of my life that brought me joy.  There were always horses, cows, and sheep grazing on the hills.  For me it was the best life ever.  We had nothing to fear as we ran through the woods feeling at peace.  With the little material things we had we were actually rich with the beautiful surroundings of flowers, nesting birds, and all the other beauty nature provides.  We could drink clean water from the springs and have all organic fruits such as blueberries, apples, and grapes.  Little did I know back then how much the world would change.  

My family and the neighborhood families all got together on Saturday nights for square dancing in a large clean barn.  The music from guitars, mandolins, banjos, and a piano were fun to dance and listen to.  Every evening I had the best stories told to me by my sweet little French mother.  We didn’t know what TV was nor did we miss out on anything.  Storytelling was always special in the evenings.  I feel like my mother Adrienne told the best stories ever.  I do believe I inherited her imagination and my knack for storytelling is a talent I got from my mother.  

I was in grade school when my imagination sparked and my first stories began. Then as an adult I began telling my stories to children in numerous schools and libraries.  I even got to visit the Shriners Hospital several times and entertain the children there. This brought me so much joy that I couldn’t stop writing and illustrating my stories.  I have also written songs to go along with my stories.  

I have received many thank you letters from children and teachers where I donated my time to entertain them with my stories and songs.  My happiest rewards are remembering the smiles on the children’s faces and the thank you letters they sent me. 

As of now I have written and Illustrated over 100 stories, songs, and poems. Some of the stories are for children with disabilities.  I am a cancer survivor and while I was going through chemotherapy and losing my hair I felt inspired to write a special story for children losing their hair from Cancer.  Woodley Bear’s special suit is about a little bear who has no hair.  In this story you will find out how his friends came together and did something wonderful to show how special he really is.  Woodley also has a song the children can sing along to.  

I have a character I have written about that has an ongoing series of books to follow her adventures.  The Legend Of Tilli is about a young girl who travels the seas of the world in a large turtle shell boat.  Tillis’ stories began while I was living in Louisiana in the mid 1970s.  While I was looking out over the beautiful Mississippi river I was enthralled by the river boats and the music.  I became interested in the Cajun people and their culture and some became my best friends.  This is why I have written and illustrated Tilli as a French Cajun girl with parents that met and fell in love in their teens while dancing and performing on a theatrical river boat. Tillis’ handsome father is Pierre and her beautiful mother is Michelin. 

 Their dream was to save money to buy a three masted sailing ship to sail in and out of the harbors of the world.  When their dream became reality they bought a magnificent large sailing ship and named it The Cajun Queen.  Both loved the sea life so they planned to have their child born aboard their ship.  The Cajun Queen was fully equipped with everything they needed to have a successful delivery.  The good Dr. Fransuar was there with his assistant, his wife Emily who delivered Pierre and Michelin when they were born.  Some close friends were also aboard.

Tilli was born following a massive storm on the sea and the raging storm was no match for the sturdy Cajun Queen.  After the storm subsided a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.  Pierre rushed into the cabin to check on his wife Michelin who was holding their newborn baby girl cradled in her arms. They decided to name their daughter Tilli which means at peace with the sea.  One lovely day Melody Mermaid who was queen of all the mermaids peered over the deck of the ship.  Upon seeing the beautiful child in her mothers arms she swam down below the sea telling her mermaid friends to spread the message that the most beautiful baby she has ever seen has been born.  Melody recognized Tillis’ parents as the theatrical couple that sang and danced on the river boat.  Melody gave a special gift to Tillis’ parents.  It was a diary to keep a record of Tillis’ travels and exciting adventures.  Tilli and Melody became best friends.  

As you learn more about Tilli you will find out that she is a hero for children and a rescuer of endangered animals.  She went to Africa to help the mountain Gorillas save their homes.  Tilli traveled to Alaska to help save the Seals who were in grave danger.  She also traveled to the beautiful country of Ireland to rescue Prince Gallahan from Hannabell the witch of Ringtune mountain.  Tilli traveled to Japan where she helped the tallest sea dragon Kimojo save his job as the shore patroller and keep his shore patrol hat that has lights bigger than basketballs that scan the shores to keep the baddies out.  She went to Hawaii to help the Princess reclaim her precious pearls that were stolen by pirates.  Her reputation has spread far and wide even to other galaxies.  On the planet Gem everything there is made from gems and jewels.  To Tilli it never matters which way the waves sway and the winds blow.  In her sturdy turtle shell boat she’s always ready to go. 

Where will Tilli travel next?  You’ll have to wait and see just like me.  

When your with Tilli it’s always Cest La Vie,

Your friend Marci